- android emulator
- Python
- Jetbrain PyCharm
- Enviroment
- Python 3
- Python 2
- De-compiler
- .Net framework(Standby)
- Visual Studio Community
- VBA (In MIcrosoft Office Document: Alt+F11.)
- https://www.excel-easy.com/vba/create-a-macro.html
- Bindwalk
- Kali linux(in Linux terminal)
- Network Analysis
- WireShark
- Cryptool
- Hex Editor
- Text Editor
- Notepad++
- PHP Enviroment
- Debugger
- odbg110
- snapshot_2019-04-09_16-01
- Disassembler
- idafree70
- Java
- Steganography
- encode and decode text into image
- Audio
- Don’t forget to check with hex editor!!!
- Cryptography decoder
- Another List