Cover of PE File

The PE file is Portable Executable file in Windows environment. It includes executable (.exe), Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll) and other executable format. 

The playlist of PE File series:

  1. Introduction of PE file
  2. PE Structure (1)
  3. PE Structure (2)
  4. Section Name
  5. PE File & Memory
  6. Static Linking
  7. Dynamic Linking
  8. DLL file
  9. PE file for Incident Handling (1)
  10. PE file for Incident Handling (2)
  11. PE file for Threat Intelligence
  12. PE loading and process creation
  13. Virtual memory to physical memory mapping
  14. Processes with one and multiple threads
  15. Process loading step by step
  16. WOW64 processes
  17. WOW64 architecture


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